Tournament of Greed FAQ

Tournament of Greed FAQ
Tournament Information

Q: How do I register for the Tournament of Greed?

A: To purchase Tickets, please visit us at

You do not need to turn in a Deck List when you register, but you must turn in a Deck List on-site before 10:00 AM on the day of the event. If you do not submit a Deck List by the 10:00 AM deadline, you will automatically be given a Round 1 loss for the event. You can create your Deck List on the link below:

If on-site registration is possible, you will need to purchase a ticket on the registration website, This can be completed on your phone on site. If you need help completing your registration on site, event staff will be available to help.

We will only be taking in-person submissions for Decklists. Please make sure to bring a paper copy on the day of the event, there will also be decklist sheets available on site, a Deck List that has been submitted can no longer be changed.

Q: Are there any Entry Prizes?

A: Duelists will either receive 5 packs of Legacy of Destruction, or 2 packs of Rarity Collection II and 1 Legacy of Destruction for the Main Event (Their Choice).

Each Side event will also include 1 entry pack and 1 ticket for the prize wall, except speed duels.

Q: What is the format for the Tournament of Greed?

A: The Tournament of Greed Tournaments are Constructed events, which means each Duelist must bring his or her own Deck to compete. Decks must be constructed per the latest Advanced Format guidelines. (See here for more information: The Forbidden & Limited list is updated periodically; refer to the “UPDATED” date on that page to ensure your Deck matches the current format.

Q: How many Rounds will the Tournament of Greed have?

A: The total number of Duelists will determine the number of Rounds that are played.

<64 Players 6 rounds Top 8 Prizing
<100 Players 7 rounds Top 8 Prizing
>100 Players 8 Rounds Top 16 Prizing

Q: How many Duelists will get prizing for the main event?

A: If there are fewer than 100 Duelists, the tournament will cut to Top 8 prizing after all rounds of Swiss are completed, prizes will be awarded down to 8th place.

If there are more than 100 Duelists, the tournament will cut to Top 16 prizing after all rounds of Swiss are completed, prizes will be awarded down to 16th place.

Q: If I registered and can no longer attend, can I get a refund?

A: There will be no refunds for this event.

Q: Can I transfer my registration to someone else?

A: No. Registration for the Tournament of Greed is non-transferable.

Q: Will I need to check in if I registered online?

A: No, Doors will be open to the Public at 9 AM while the event will start at 10AM. Please arrive early to make sure you're able to get in and get processed on time.  

Q: What will I need to bring to the Tournament of Greed?

A: You should bring a tournament-legal Deck as described under “What is the format for the Tournament of Greed?,” along with any tournament supplies you will need, such as paper and pen to track Life Points, dice or counters if you are using cards which require them, extra sleeves to replace any that become damaged, and so forth. You’ll also need the registration fee for the tournament, as well as money for your incidentals (food, drinks, Public Events, etc.).

Q: What should I expect at this Tournament?

A: Read over the list of things you will need for the tournament, and make sure you have everything. You’ll have a better time at the event if you don’t have too many bulky or heavy possessions to carry around, as it can get crowded there on the floor.  Think ahead while you are planning what to bring with you.

Duelists are responsible for paying attention to information from judges and/or tournament staff in order to understand what is going on. If Duelists have questions about the event either beforehand or while they are there, they should check with the Judges.

Before heading to the event, all Duelists should read over the KDE-US Tournament Policy and Penalty Guidelines carefully. These documents tell you what you can and cannot do at an event and give you a good idea of what to expect.  You may find these Guidelines by clicking the following links.

Tournament Policy:

Penalty Guidelines:

Remember, there is much more to do at this event than just compete in the main tournament.  There are lots of Side Events, vendors buying and selling cards, and other Duelists to trade with. Read over the FAQ carefully, and you’ll be off to a great start. Side Events will be available as space opens up from the main event. If the Tournament has reached capacity there is not a guarantee that any specific side event will be available as events will only start as space becomes available. If the venue reaches capacity, additional Duelists will not be allowed to enter the hall.

Q. Does Scuffed Cards and/or its agents film or take photography at these events?

A. Yes by entering the premise of this event you agree to the following:

When you enter a Scuffed Cards event or program, you are entering an area where photography, audio, and video recording may occur. By entering the event premises, you consent to photography, audio recording, interviews, video recording and its/their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for promotional purposes, webcasts, telecasts, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by Scuffed Cards, its affiliates and representatives. Images, photos and/or videos may be used to promote Yu-Gi-Oh! or Scuffed Cards events in the future, to highlight the event and promote Yu-Gi-Oh! and Scuffed Cards properties.

You release Scuffed Cards, its employees, representatives and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication and use of photographs, computer images, video and/or sound recordings. By entering the event premises, you waive any rights you may have to any claims for payment or royalties in connection with any use, exhibition, streaming, web casting, televising, or other publication of these materials, regardless of the purpose or sponsoring of such use, exhibiting, broadcasting, web casting, or other publication, irrespective of whether a fee for admission or sponsorship is charged.

You also waive any right to inspect or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken by Scuffed Cards, its agents or representatives. You have been fully informed of your consent, waiver of liability and release before entering the event.

Q: Will there be meal breaks during the tournament?

A: There will be a concession booth in the event hall, a 30min - 60min meal break will be scheduled into the tournament.

Q: What happens if I am not done with my Match when time is called in the round?

A: Sometimes a Match will not be finished when the time ends for a round. If this happens, it is both Duelists’ responsibility to note whose turn it is when time is called. Duelists who require assistance with the End of Match procedures should raise their hand and call for a judge. The judge should be notified that the Match is ongoing and whose turn it is. The judge may or may not stay to supervise the End of Match procedure but should ensure that both Duelists understand the following procedures.

End of Match procedures should follow these three (3) rules:

Rule #1: If time is called while Duelists are in the middle of a Game, the current Game must have a decision (Win, Loss, or Draw)

Rule #2: Once the current Game has concluded with a decision, determine the winner of the Match by determining the number of Game Wins (or Game Losses) each Duelist has for the current Match. The Duelist with the most Game Wins will win the Match.

Swiss Rounds: If both Duelists have the same number of Game Wins, or if time was called in between games of a Match when both Duelists had the same number of Game Wins, then the Match is a Draw.

Single-Elimination Rounds: If both Duelists have the same number of Game Wins, or if time is called in between Games of a Match while both Duelists have the same number of Game Wins, they will begin a new Duel with specific guidelines.

  • Neither Duelist may use his or her Side Deck. If time was called in between Games of a Match and at least one Duelist has already accessed his or her Side Deck, then both Duelists may use their Side Deck.
    • Duelists must use a random method (die roll, coin flip, etc.) to determine who will go first.
    • The Duel will continue for a total of four (4) turns, two (2) turns for each Duelist, unless a Duelist manages to win the Duel before the four (4) turns have concluded.
  • Once the four (4) turns are completed, Life Point totals are compared and the Duelist with the highest Life Point total wins the Match.
    • If both Duelists’ Life Points are the same after the four (4) turns are completed, then play will continue on a turn-by-turn basis, with the Duelist with the most Life Points at the end of a turn being declared the winner of that Game.

Rule #3: If a win condition occurs during End of Match Procedures, that Duelist wins the current Game.

Keeping these three (3) rules in mind, please follow these instructions when proceeding to End of Match procedures:

  • Continue with the current Phase of the Game. Once the Phase is over, stop the game.
  • Determine a Game Winner at this point, with the Duelist with the most Life Points winning the Game.
    • During Swiss Rounds, if both Duelists’ Life Points are the same, the Game is a Draw. Compare Game Wins with the Duelist with the most Game Wins winning the Match. If the Game Win totals are the same, the Match is a Draw.
    • During Single-Elimination, if both Duelists’ Life Points are the same at the end of the current Phase (Step 1 above), finish the current turn. If both Duelists’ Life Points are the same at the end of the turn, then play will continue on a turn-by-turn basis, with the Duelist with the most Life Points at the end of a turn being declared the winner of that Game.
  • Match Draws cannot occur during Single-Elimination Rounds.



Q: What are the prizes for the Tournament of Greed?


Place Prizes (Less than 100 People)
1st Pot Collection + 15 Tickets
2nd 2 Boxes of Rarity Collection II + 10 Tickets
3rd 1 Box of Rarity Collection II + 10 Tickets
4th Half Box of Rarity Collection II + 5 Tickets
5th-8th 10 Tickets


Place Prizes (More than 100 People)
1st Pot Collection + 20 Tickets
2nd 2 Boxes of Rarity Collection II + 15 Tickets
3rd 1 Box of Rarity Collection II + 15 Tickets
4th 1 Box of Rarity Collection II + 10 Tickets
5th-8th Half Box of Rarity Collection II + 5 Tickets
9th-12th 10 Tickets
13th-16th 5 Tickets


Q: Will there be raffles?

A: Various giveaways and raffles will be ran throughout the event. Please check-in with the tournament organizers and staff for more details.

Card Legality

Q: What cards are legal for play?

A: Please check the “Products” page online at for an updated look at the legality dates of Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME product releases, prior to preparing your Deck for the event.

Advanced Format tournaments use a specific list of playable cards. Some cards are forbidden from use, or limited to a set number in the Deck, in order to better balance tournament play. Duelists can view the most current Advanced Format card list by visiting this link:

Constructed Decks for Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG tournaments must meet specific guidelines for use in the event. Duelists must ensure that their Decks meet these requirements before entering an event. A Duelist’s Deck includes their Main Deck and may include a Side Deck and/or an Extra Deck.

A Duelist may not have more than three copies of any card included in their Main Deck, Side Deck, and Extra Deck combined.

Cards that have been altered from their original appearance with surface decoration may be used for play only if the alterations do not obscure any portion of the card text, make the illustration difficult to recognize, or make the card distinguishable from other cards in the Deck while it is face-down.

If a card’s surface decoration renders the card unrecognizable at first glance, then the card is not allowed for tournament play.

The Head Judge of the event has final arbitration on whether or not altered cards may be used at the tournament. Duelists are responsible for determining whether or not their altered cards are acceptable for use before the start of the tournament.

Q: Can I use OCG cards (cards printed for use in Japan and other Asian territories) in my Deck?

A: No, cards printed for Asian markets are not legal for play in TCG tournaments, even if you have a translation available.

Q: Can I use foreign language cards in my Deck?

A: You may use foreign-language copies of legal-for-play cards printed for the TCG market, if you can show an official translation of the card when asked to do so by an opponent or tournament official. Translations do not have to be a local language version of the card.  An official translation written down or printed is acceptable.  If you want to use a local language version of the card as your translation, you must keep that card outside of your Deck box.

Side Events


Q: What are the different types of Side Events?

A: All side events will use the single-elimination structure. The following formats will be available:

  • Advanced Constructed
  • Edison
  • Goat
  • Pre-Constructed Speed Duel
  • Rivalry of Warlords
  • Tag Duel

Q: How is Prizing awarded for the Side Events?

A: Tickets will be given out for Prizing, which then can be exchanged at the prize wall. The amount of tickets given out is determined by the number of wins:

Cost: 20$ Formats: Goat, Edison, Advanced, Rivalry
Loaner Decks available for: Rivalry, Edison
Number of Wins Tickets Awarded
3 9


 Cost: 20$/person Format: Tag Duel
Number of wins Tickets Awarded Per Team
2 12
1 6


Cost: 10$
Deck Provided
Format: Pre-Constructed Speed Duel
Number of Wins Tickets Awarded
3 4
2 3
1 1


Q: What is a Swiss Round Tournament?

A: Duelists are paired off based on each Duelist’s win/loss record. Duelists are not eliminated when they lose a Match during Swiss rounds – instead, they will continue to be paired against Duelists with similar records for all remaining rounds of the event.

Q: What is a Single-Elimination Tournament?

A: Half of the tournament is eliminated after each round – the losing Duelist is out of the tournament, while the winner goes on to the next round. This continues until only one Duelist remains, which is then declared the winner.

Q: What are the rules for Rivalry of Warlords Tournaments?

A: Rivalry of Warlords Tournaments will use a pre-built Rivalry of Warlords Deck randomly assigned at the beginning of the tournament. No changes to the Deck are allowed.

The Duelists will then be given 10 minutes to look over their cards and read the manual for their assigned Deck before the start of the tournament.

Once the above steps are completed the Duelists then will play against their first-round opponent in a best 2-out of-3 match.

Q: What are the rules for Speed Duel Pre-Constructed Tournaments?

A: Duelists are given one Pre-constructed Speed Duel Deck. The rules are as follows;

  • Each Duelist begins the game with 4000 Life Points
  • Each Duelist begins the game with four cards as their starting hand
  • Skill Card effects do not use the chain
  • Each Duelist has three Main Monster Zones, three Spell & Trap Zones, and one Field Zone.
  • The Duelist going first does not draw a card on their opening turn.
  • The hand size limit is six cards.
  • Each Duelist may have an active Field Spell Card.

    Duelists can review the Speed Duel Policy Document here:

    In addition to the Speed Duel Policy Document, Speed Duelists should be aware of Skill Card Text and Skill Card Rules updates. These changes can be reviewed here:

    Q: What are the rules for Tag Duel Tournaments?

    A: Tag Duel Tournaments are Advanced constructed, Single-Elimination events with no playoff cut.

    Duelists must register using a Team Registration Form. The Duelist listed as Duelist A will be team captain for administrative purposes. Each team must register a Team Name. The Team Name must be written on the top of the Registration Form. Team Names may not be offensive or disrespectful in any manner. Event Staff reserve the right to request a new team name if they feel the name may be inappropriate.

    Here are the basic rules:

    • When registering each team will designate one Duelist as Duelist A and the other as Duelist B. Team members must keep their team designation throughout the tournament.
    • Each Duelist will have their own unique field.
    • Each Duelist uses their own Deck (2 Decks per team)
    • Each Duelist uses only Pendulum Scales they control for a Pendulum Summon.
    • Duelists may use cards that their teammate possesses to pay costs for activating effects, or to meet the Summoning conditions of monsters.
    • Teams share a Life Point total of 16,000 (if it reaches zero, that team loses the Duel).
    • Each Team can have one (1) Field Spell card on the field at a time. If either Duelist on a team controls a Field Spell, it must be sent to the Graveyard before a new one can be placed (Set or activated) on the field.
    • Each Duelist can Summon Monsters from their own Extra Deck only.
    • Any member of a team may use any cards in play on their team’s side of the field for Tribute Summons, Ritual Summons, and Summons from the Extra Deck.
    • Teammates may not activate effects (Ignition Effects, Normal Spell Cards, Quick Effects, Trigger Effects, Continuous Effects, etc.) that their teammate possesses unless the effect is able to be utilized by all Duelists.
    • Trigger effects, even if it is an effect triggered by the Duelist, can only be activated by the Duelist who possesses that card.
    • Teammates may talk, compare hands, and share information freely with each other. Teammates must come to an agreement before making plays involving each other’s cards. Teammates cannot take an extended period to discuss their actions and must still conduct their moves in a timely manner.
    • A team loses if their Life Points reach zero or if either Duelist on a team cannot draw a card from their Deck when required to. If a Duelist reaches a special victory condition (such as Final Countdown or Exodia the Forbidden One), that team wins.
    • Each Duelist on each team may run three (3) of any card not currently on the Forbidden and Limited List. Each Duelist is also allowed to run one (1) of any Limited Card and two (2) of any Semi-Limited Card currently on the Forbidden and Limited Lists.

    Example of Play

    Duelists on the same team sit beside each other, with Duelist A seated to the right of Duelist B.

    Team 1 consists of Duelists 1A & 1B and Team 2 consists of Duelists 2A & 2B.

    The Turn order starts with Duelist A on the Team that chose to go first and then alternates between teams. See example below with Team 1 going first.

    • Team 1 Duelist 1A
    • Team 2 Duelist 2A
    • Team 1 Duelist 1B
    • Team 2 Duelist 2B
    • Continue until one team wins
    • The first Duelist to start the Duel does not draw at the start of their first turn.
    • Tag Duel Matches are run in Best-of-One Duel Format
    • Tag Duel Matches are 30 minutes in length.
    • Tag Duel Matches utilizes the current End of Match procedure
      • When time is called, the current Duelist will finish their phase and then life points will be calculated


    The active Duelist can only attack with Attack Position monsters that they control. Duelists may not attack with their teammate’s monsters.

    If there is a monster on the opponent’s side of the field (in either Duelist’s Main/Extra Monster Card Zones) then it must be destroyed before attacking the opponent’s life points directly.

    The first 3 Duelists of the Duel (see above, Duelists 1A, 2A and 1B) cannot conduct their Battle Phase and cannot attack on their first turns.

    Additional Rules and Card Effect interaction examples can be found here on the Alternate Tournament Format:

    Q: What are the rules for Edison/Goat Tournaments?

    A: Edison/Goat events are formats that use a specfic set of available Cards, Forbidden & Limited List, and game rules from its time.

    For Edison format, we will use the March 2010 Banlist. Please consult the following link for more info:

    For Goat format, we will use the April 2005 Banlist. Please consult the following link for more info:

    Q. What is the Prize Wall?

    A: The Prize Wall is where Duelists can trade in their tickets for various prizes. You can spend these prize tickets at the Prize Wall for items offered. These items are subject to change, and to availability.



    Q: I may need assistance to participate at the Tournament of Greed due to a disability or recent injury, what should I do?

    A: Please contact the Event Coordinator or Tournament Organizer to make them aware of your concerns so that between them and the Scuffed Cards Staff, you can be provided with a comfortable gaming experience.

    If you require assigned seating on site, please notify a registration staff member at the time of registration.  

    Q: Will there be vendors on site so I can buy single cards and supplies and sell my cards?

    A: There will be several vendors present, selling single cards, sealed product, and card supplies such as sleeves and card cases.  Vendors will also be buying cards on site.

    Q: Can I buy and sell from other people at the event?

    A: Duelists are allowed to buy or sell from one another at the Tournament of Greed. However, this is restricted to card game related items.


    Attendees may not solicit business, hand out flyers, etc., while at the venue.

    The Tournament Organizer reserves the right to limit the number of cards that can be brought into the venue for trading.

    Q: I want to vend at the Tournament of Greed, who should I contact?

    A: Vending space is available at the Tournament of Greed. Interested vendors should email with the header “Request to Vend at [name and location of event].”

    Q: Are there any items I am not allowed to bring to the tournament?

    Attendees may not bring any items into the tournament venue that are prohibited by law in their area (local, state, or federal). In addition, unlawful items/transactions, weapons of any kind, and substance drugs which may be illegal on a local, state, and/or federal level, are not allowed. Attendees who bring any such items to a tournament venue will be removed from the premises.

    The use of electronic and/or vapor cigarettes is not permitted on the tournament floor or in areas designated for tournament attendees.

    Q: What if I lost an item at the tournament?

    Duelists are responsible for looking after their own belongings at the event. Tournament Organizers, Staff, and Judges bear no responsibility for, and cannot be held liable for, any loss, theft or damage to the person or personal property of any attendee.

    The Tournament Organizer is required to keep lost and found items for at least 60 days after the conclusion of the Event. Duelists who lost items should seek the Lost & Found on-site. If the item is not found on-site, Duelists are encouraged to contact the Tournament Organizer within the 60-day period on the chance the lost item has been turned in. Tournament Organizer contact information can be found at